SWS02: Frontiers in Propagation and Wireless Channel Modeling
Thursday - 1:30-4:20pm
David W. Matolak University of South Carolina, USA
David G. Michelson, University of British Columbia, Canada
As the quest to deploy wireless technology in ever more demanding scenarios and achieve ever higher capacities and reliability continues unabated, efforts to characterize and model channel behaviour and impairments in order to facilitate design and simulation of wireless systems and development of suitable mitigation strategies have never been more timely or important. Currently active topics in propagation and channel modeling include millimetre-wave cellular and indoor channels, THz channels, channel modeling for massive MIMO, air-ground channel modeling for unmanned aircraft, channel modeling for inter- and intra-chip wireless, “molecular” communication channels, high-fidelity atmospheric channel modeling for satellite links, visible light channel modeling, and more. In this session, we both explore these topics and look BEYOND them to the future of the field. Two example questions to be explored include, “What do we still know too little about?” and, “What might be big or important or just fascinating to investigate?” Such a session will appeal to researchers in the targeted speaker topic areas as well as to those in the broader community of users of such models.
1. Opening presentation by organizers
2. Three (3) invited presentations
3. Break
4. Three (3) invited presentations
5. Panel discussion with invited speakers as panelists, moderated by organizers
- Fernando Perez-Fontan, Univ. Vigo, Land Mobile Satellite Channels
- Lorenzo Luini, Polytechnic Univ. Milan, Accurate and reliable atmospheric channel modeling
- Uwe-Carsten Fiebig, German Aerospace Center, Aeronautical Mobile Channels
- Reiner Thoma, Technical Univ. Ilmenau, mmWave Channel Modeling
- Fredrik Tufvesson, Lund Univ., Massive MIMO Channel Modeling
- Thomas Kuerner, Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, THz Channel Modeling