The EuCAP 2017 final programme can be downloaded HERE (PDF, 16 MB). The schedule of sessions and associated papers is available online HERE. Workshops and WG meetings are indicated below.
Note: for technical reasons, the correct schedules of IWS04 and ESOA meeting (Wednesday afternoon) meeting are indicated in the bottom table, NOT in the online detailed programme.
Note: the closing ceremony will start at 11:50 and finish at 13:00. The Friday lunch is reserved to the SC registered audience. Short courses will start at 14:00 and finish at 17:30.
The conference combines the following formats:
- Plenary sessions with keynote speakers
- Sessions with invited speakers
- Convened sessions with oral papers
- Regular sessions with oral papers
- Regular sessions with poster papers
- Short Courses
- Scientific Workshops
- Industrial Workshops
- Exhibition