EuCAP 2017 Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards
The EuCAP 2017 Best Paper Awards have been created to contribute to the recognition of scientific quality of research and engineering in four thematic domains:
- Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory (sponsored by EpOC Lab - University Côte d'Azur)
- Antenna Design and Applications (sponsored by IETR - UMR CNRS 6164)
- Propagation (sponsored by Telecom ParisTech)
- Measurement (sponsored by XLIM - UMR CNRS 7252 / Université de Limoges)
The Best Student Paper Awards are not related to a specific thematic domain. They are sponsored by ESoA)
- Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory
Analysis of Artificial Dielectrics Composed of Non-Aligned Layers
Daniele Cavallo and Cantika Felita (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Antenna Design and Application
Shared Aperture Metasurface Antennas for Multibeam Patterns
David González-Ovejero (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS, France); Gabriele Minatti and Enrica Martini (University of Siena, Italy); Goutam Chattopadhyay (JPL, USA); Stefano Maci (University of Siena, Italy)
- Propagation
Investigations on Fading Scaling with Bandwidth and Directivity at 60 GHz
Diego Dupleich 1; Naveed Iqbal 2; Christian Schneider 1; Stephan Haefner 1; Robert Müller 1; Sergii Skoblikov 1; Jian Luo 2; Reiner S. Thomä 1
1 Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany
2 Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany
- Measurement
Design and Calibration of a Double-directional 60 GHz Channel Sounder for Multipath Component Tracking
Ruoyu Sun (NIST, USA); Peter Papazian and Jelena Senic (NIST, USA); Yeh Lo (NTIA, USA); Jae-Kark Choi (NIST, USA); Kate A. Remley and Camillo Gentile (NIST, USA)
- Best student papers (ex-aequo)
Wireless Monitoring of Breath by Means of a Graphene Oxide-based Radiofrequency Identification Wearable Sensor
Maria Cristina Caccami; Mohammad Yusuf Shafi Mulla Corrado Di Natale; Gaetano Marrocco
(University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy)
Multi-frequency Power Angular Spectrum Comparison for an Indoor Environment
Usman Tahir Virk, Sinh Nguyen and Katsuyuki Haneda (Aalto University, Finland)
Awards Committee
The Awards have been chaired by Prof. D. Manteuffel and Prof. F.P. Andriulli and the juries, constituted by three distinguished researchers in the corresponding fields, are the following:
- Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory
− Arthur D Yaghjian
Antenna Design and Application
− Zhi Ning Chen
− Buon Kiong Lau
− Lluis Jofre
- Propagation
− Yang Hao
− Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg
− Rafael F. S. Caldeirinha
- Measurement
− Ala Sharaiha
− Olav Breinbjerg
− Manuel Sierra-Castaner
- Best student papers
− Ross Stone
− Raed Shubair
− Anja Skrivervik
For each of the 5 juries, five finalists are selected on the basis of the reviewers score and their comments.
Independently from their participation in their normal (oral or poster) session, the authors of the selected papers are requested to present their work in a special poster session dedicated to the Awards. This session will take place on Thursday afternoon, March 23, 2017.
The selection of the Best Paper Award in each category will result from the evaluation by each jury of the combined quality of the paper and of the poster presentation. For the Best Student Paper competition, there may be up to two Awards if the quality is sufficient, provided they cover different topical areas among antennas, propagation and measurements.
All awards will be distributed during the closing ceremony on Friday noon, March 24, 2017.
An awardee cannot be from the same institution or be co-author of a paper with one of the two awards chairs or with any of the members of his jury. A student can choose to apply to either or both of a thematic award or the best student papers awards. However, this is not recommended unless he obtained exceptional quality results. In any case, a candidate cannot receive more than one award.
Eligibility for a Best Student Paper Award
The candidate must fulfill the following conditions:
- be a PhD student or having obtained the PhD degree no earlier than 1st Sept. 2016.
- be at most 35 years old at the Conference starting date (March 19, 2017)
- be the first author of the competing paper and have a major contribution to the work. Moreover, a maximum of two co-authors can be over the age of 35
- be personally registered at EuCAP 2017
- personally present the paper at the conference
- be present at the closing ceremony
Conditions 1-3 must be certified by the supervisor in the form of an accompanying signed letter (PDF format), to be provided between January 3 and january 10, 2017, by the candidate author after receiving a special request from the Awards Chairs (subsequent to the paper acceptance notification and subject to the reviewing score).
Unless otherwise indicated, all exchanges regarding travel grants should be addressed to
EuCAP 2017 Best Student Paper Awards are sponsored by the European School of Antennas (ESoA)