EuCAP 2017 grants
A limited number of grants will be awarded to young authors (aged below 35) of high quality papers from developing countries, who are not able to pay the conference fee. Each grant provides free access to the conference (i.e. free registration)
- After notification of acceptance of the paper the request for grant application has to arrive spontaneously by email until December 21, 2016
- The applicant has to send the submitted paper, a CV including the list of publications and a supporting letter from his supervisor (for a PhD or master student) and from his institution (e.g. head of laboratory)
- The decisions will be transmitted to applicants by January 3, 2017
- Discount codes will be provided to the recipients of grants before the authors' registration deadline (January 13, 2017)
For the concerned countries, it is highly recommended to request the visa as soon as possible, right after the paper acceptance announcements (December 5, 2016) : see here.
Unless otherwise indicated, all exchanges regarding grants should be addressed to